Professional Staff

Jason Moak

Fisheries/Aquatic Section Manager

“I find it very rewarding to be able to work with such a diverse group of individuals with expertise in so many fields.  The variety of projects, subject matter, and people I get to work with provide the intellectual stimulation I crave.”

As a senior scientist, Jason is always looking for new ways to enhance critical thinking and problem-solving skills. With over 23 years of experience, Jason is considered a leader in the hydropower industry. He specializes in sampling and analyzing stream, river, and reservoir aquatic communities and water quality in the Southeast U.S. Jason has experience in environmental assessments and permitting related to hydroelectric relicensing including the National Environmental Policy Act process. He has prepared environmental impact statements, particularly relative to the fisheries and water quality aspects, as well as the detailed biological studies forming the basis of environmental impact statement conclusions. Jason helps clients work with groups of agency personnel, stakeholders, and researchers to develop, execute, and understand studies that answer essential questions about natural resources.

Some of Jason’s recent project experience with Kleinschmidt include Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) decommissioning; FERC relicensing; permitting and compliance; water quality monitoring; 316(b) studies; Environmental Impact Statement (EIS); hydroacoustic fish monitoring; and stream gauging near coal-fire steam plant.

Jason has a B.S. in Biology from Augusta University and is a member of the American Fisheries Society.