
Jeff Deason

Regulatory Technical Director

“Kleinschmidt exhibits a true commitment to the success of employees from initial orientation to professional development and growth. I’ve found the weekly lunch-and-learns to be a great opportunity to broaden my understanding of industry specific topics and the expertise of my colleagues.”

Jeff is a team leader with over 15 years of experience. He has has a background in NEPA/SEPA, hydro licensing and permitting. He specializes in FERC licensing, license compliance, permitting and natural resource management for electric utilities and hydro projects. Jeff’s experience includes FERC licensing and compliance, NEPA/SEPA, Clean Water Act, federal and state permitting, stakeholder negotiation and project implementation. His public utility background provides him with a strong understanding of the unique challenges many utilities face in a continually evolving regulatory environment.

He spent the first ten years of his career working for an electric public utility in Washington State and the last five years in consulting. Since transitioning to consulting, Jeff has focused primarily in the hydroelectric industry with both public and private entities. His work includes FERC licensing, NEPA and SEPA compliance, agency consultation, federal and state permitting including Section 408 Authorizations. Jeff’s most recent assignments with Kleinschmidt includes FERC ILP Relicensing; Pumped Storage Development Phase I Design; FERC ILP Relicensing and Decommissioning; FERC Hydro License Compliance.

Jeff has a B.A. in Geography Natural Resource Management from Western Washington University.