MaryLouise Keefe, Ph.D.
Principal Consultant
MaryLouise has been working on complex aquatic projects and coordinating multidisciplinary teams throughout the Pacific Northwest and in Alaska for over 30 years. Recent projects include independent expert for a complex Aquatic Invasive Species deterrent project in in New York State. She is the Ecological Representative reviewing the removal of four Klamath River dams and reviewing and assisting with fish passage design for Cougar Dam and providing fisheries technical support for several projects in Alaska and Washington. MaryLouise is an active member of the American Fisheries Society (AFS), where she served as both President of the Equal Opportunity section and Vice President of the Oregon Chapter.
MaryLouise has a Ph.D. in Biological Science from the University of Rhode Island and completed graduate courses in Biological Oceanography at the University of South Florida. She obtained a B.A in Biology from Smith College.