Professional Staff

Tracy Maynard

Fisheries/ Aquatic Section Manager

Tracy specializes in assessing impacts to fish, fish habitat, and fish populations due to electric power generation at hydroelectric and steam-electric power plants. Much of her work focuses on assessing and minimizing the environmental impacts associated with the operation and maintenance of hydroelectric projects and cooling water intake structures, as well as preparing information requirements for local, state, and federal permit applications. Tracy’s experience includes environmental and ecological field data collection, management, and reporting. She supports projects involving compliance with EPA’s 316(b) regulations, National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permits, and FERC relicensing, as well as species interest groups focused on protecting and managing sensitive species.

In addition to her role as a Senior Scientist, Tracy also serves as serves as the local representative for Kleinschmidt’s Joint Health and Safety Committee, the local office leader, and leads the technical editing program at Kleinschmidt. She is a member of the American Fisheries Society (AFS) and the Southern New England Chapter of AFS where she serves on the Board of Directors and as co-chair of the Education Committee