Zach Taylor, P.E.
Senior Engineer
“I enjoy solving problems for clients on challenging hydropower and water resource projects. I use computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modeling and other 1-D and 2-D hydraulic modeling to estimate design inputs (velocity, depth, shear stress, hydrostatic/hydrodynamic force, etc.) and visualize flow patterns in the vicinity of design elements. I enjoy using CFD to test new designs for projects like upstream and downstream fish passage facilities and collaborating with biologists and specialized design engineers on issues where changes to flow fields impact fish behavior and structural load conditions.”
Zach is a hydraulic engineer and project manager with over 10 years of experience in computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modeling, 2-D and 1-D hydraulic modeling, hydraulic design, physical hydraulic modeling, and field evaluations. He is a licensed professional engineer registered in the state of Washington. His CFD experience includes evaluating upstream and downstream fish passage facilities, spillways, disinfection contact tanks, debris screening facilities, combined sewer overflow facilities, pump stations, and piping systems for wastewater and drinking water. Physical hydraulic modeling experience includes designing and testing scaled models of spillways, fish screening facilities, pump stations, contact tanks, and intake structures for water and wastewater treatment facilities. Zach is experienced in developing custom numerical models in Matlab and VBA to solve unique problems for which commercial codes are not available. His hydraulic design expertise includes the design of fish passage culverts, stormwater channels and storm drains, flow measurement weirs, and spillways.
Zach holds a B.S. in Civil Engineering and an M.S. in Civil Engineering and Hydraulics, both from Colorado State University. He is an active member of the Association of Dam Safety Officials (ASDSO), American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), Society of Military Engineers (SAME), and Pacific Northwest Clean Water Association (PNCWA).