Carmen Dam Breach Analysis

EWEB requested a dam breach analysis and inundation mapping for Carmen Dam in support of FERC Part 12 relicensing requirements. A notable challenge was the presence of significant Infiltration areas to porous subsurface terrain and their effect on the breach flood hydrograph.
Kleinschmidt performed a dam breach analysis for both sunny day and PMF flood conditions at Carmen Dam. A 2D HEC-RAS model was constructed to simulate the flood wave from the breach from Carmen Dam to Trail Bridge Reservoir. Inundation mapping was provided showing the maximum extents of the flood inundation as well as breach flood wave timing through the routing reach.
Kleinschmidt provided a 2D HEC-RAS Dam Breach model of Carmen Reservoir, Carmen Dam, and the downstream routing reach to Trail Bridge Reservoir. We completed the project on time and within budget and solved a difficult challenge in modeling flows over the porous sub-surface terrain and a waterfall partway down the routing reach. We concluded the project with a hydraulics report and inundation mapping for both the sunny day and PMF flood breaches.