Feasibility planning and licensing of an existing irrigation dam for hydropower
Crooked River Project
Portland General Electric Company (PGE) needed to examine the potential for new hydroelectric development at an existing federal dam near Prineville, Oregon in an effort to provide additional, renewable energy to its customers. PGEs efforts required analyzing design feasibility using existing irrigation flows to generate power, conceptual design assessments including benefit/cost estimates, and initiating pursuit of a FERC license application for the Crooked River Project. As a part of the project, PGE has engaged project stakeholders early in the process to assess potential project effects, def ne and implement related environmental studies, and develop license application documents.
Kleinschmidt began the planning by providing PGE a review of existing dam operations and flow regimes related to potential hydroelectric generation. After review of various options and potential issues, PGE decided to move forward with FERC licensing and selected the Traditional Licensing Process with augmented agency consultation. Kleinschmidt’s assisted with stakeholder outreach, worked with PGE and project stakeholders to develop and implement environmental study plans to assess potential project effects to fi sheries, herptiles, wetlands, aesthetics and other habitat and environmental resources, and developed FERC licensing documents.
PGE was able to confirm project feasibility, maintain positive relationships with agencies and other stakeholders through early consultation and education, and efficiently develop project licensing documentation.