Our Work

Niagara Power Project – Habitat Restoration

Overview of eight habitat restoration projects

The New York Power Authority (NYPA) is implementing a series of habitat improvement projects (HIP) to help comply with the terms of a new operating license for the Niagara Power Project.

Working closely with NYPA and a broad array of stakeholders, Kleinschmidt has supported NYPA HIP efforts from the initial project scoping stage through conceptual and final designs, permitting, construction, and post-construction monitoring phases. During the project scoping and conceptual design phases, Kleinschmidt evaluated ecological benefits and engineering feasibility for 16 large-scale projects. During the final design phase, efforts focused in on eight of the original 16 HIPs, ranging from straightforward efforts such as nesting platforms for osprey, to much more involved mid-river island and wetland restoration and creation projects. Several of the designs utilize in-stream structures and bioengineering techniques to reduce erosion, encourage wetland formation, and provide fish and wildlife habitat. Enhancing native plant communities has been a key aspect of the projects including controlling exotic/invasive wetland and riparian plant species and developing planting plans that emphasize native species. Kleinschmidt’s construction phase services have included preparing detailed design plans/drawings and specifications, permitting, bid services, construction observation and management, preparing operation and maintenance plans, and using adaptive management approaches to provide long-term project success.

NYPA’s efforts to provide HIPs have been nationally recognized, winning two annual Outstanding Stewards of America’s Waters awards issued by the National Hydropower Association. In addition, not only is NYPA on track to meet their permit-required implementation schedule, the agency and community stakeholders involved in the project have been very pleased with the success of the HIPs.