Sunrise Wind Farm Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)
Sunrise Wind, LLC (Orsted/Eversource) has proposed to construct and operate the Sunrise Wind offshore wind farm in a federal lease area off MA and provide power to the State of New York. The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management must conduct an EIS to determine whether to approve Sunrise Wind’s Construction and Operations Plan (COP).
The Kleinschmidt Team is contracted to Sunrise Wind, LLC, but acts under the direction of BOEM as the third-party contractor preparing the EIS for the proposed Sunrise Wind Offshore Wind Farm. Our team of Subject Matter Experts evaluate the potential impacts of the Proposed Action and alternatives to the natural and human environment from construction and operation of the proposed offshore wind farm. In addition to BOEM as the Lead Federal Agency, Kleinschmidt interacts with multiple other federal and state Cooperating Agencies such as National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE).
The Kleinschmidt Team has a tremendous amount of experience with the NEPA process and evaluating impacts to the natural and social environments from large, complex infrastructure projects. We also have significant familiarity with the parallel paths associated with protected species and habitat consultations, and nearshore/onshore permits and approvals. This ensures the entire regulatory process for evaluation of the proposed offshore wind project is conducted using sound science and results in informed decision-making for BOEM as the Lead Federal Agency.