Multiple Opening Analysis
Did you know that if you have a bridge opening and one or more culverts at a single river crossing a Multiple Opening Analysis is required?
The following article written by Mr. David Markwood of AECOM provides an excellent summary of the latest beta (candidate) version of HEC-RAS 5.0. Well worth the read!
Bruno Neves
on October 26, 2015Hello, I was not able to find the “Precipitation” boundary condition mentioned….Where would it be?..bst regards
Bruno Neves
on October 26, 2015Never mind.. I´ve found it. in unsteady flow data >..ad sa/2d flow area > precipitation….
Bruno Neves
on October 26, 2015Its possible to use just part of the 2d area by this BC?
regards. Bruno
on October 27, 2015Hi Chris,
Thanks for sharing this article and all the news on HEC-RAS 5.0.
I've recently started to use the beta version and have found a couple of features which look very, very, interesting.
First, in the levee breach data editor, one can see a 'simplified physical' tab. At the moment the tab can't be open. Do you know if they have planned to implement this 'simplified physical' breach in the final release ?
Then, an uncertainty analysis (through monte carlo method) seems to be under development. It can be seen in the run tab of the main window. Unfortunatly I couldn't manage to run this.
Of course, uncertainty analysis can be done using the HECRAScontroller, but an integrated module would be much appreciated. Do you know more about this ?
Chris Goodell
on October 27, 2015Yes, both of these are likely things they will be adding soon. Hopefully for the final release. Cross your fingers!
Chris Goodell
on October 27, 2015Not sure I understand the question…
Bruno Neves
on October 28, 2015Hello,
Has anyone tried this new version on Windows 10?
Chris Goodell
on October 28, 2015I haven't, but I have heard of others having some difficulties with Windows 10 and RAS. HEC is not testing HEC-RAS 5.0 with Windows 10, so proceed at your own risk!
Bruno Neves
on December 14, 2015Hello,
I trying to export a map layer result from rasmapper to google maps. It does create a small file (5kb) named image.db. Still I am not able to work with it….could you shed some light on it..?
Thank you..best regards
Bruno Neves
on December 14, 2015By the way…I´ve opened the image.db in a dbbrowser and realized that there is no data embedded, just the columns…
Chris Goodell
on December 15, 2015Bruno- there's a bug with that feature. HEC has fixed it, but you'll have to wait for the official release to use it.
Bruno Neves
on February 15, 2016Hello!! Even with this issue is it necessary to write time sliced steps (in optional hdf output parameters) in order to export rasmapper results to googlemaps?
TKS! Best regards
Chris Goodell
on February 16, 2016No, that shouldn't be necessary.
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