Benchmarking of the HEC-RAS Two-Dimensional Hydraulic Modeling Capabilities

Written by Chris Goodell | May 4, 2016

HEC has released a new HEC Research Document called “Benchmarking of the HEC-RAS Two-Dimensional Hydraulic Modeling Capabilities”.  This research document summarizes how the Hydrologic Engineering Center’s (HEC) River Analysis System (HEC-RAS) software performed in the two-dimensional (2D) modeling benchmark tests developed by the United Kingdom’s (UK) Joint Defra (Department for Environmental Food and Rural Affairs) Environment Agency.  These Benchmarking Tests are widely used to compare 2D models over a wide range of flow situations.


Please foreword this post to anyone you know that would be interested in this document.


  1. Anonymous

    on December 20, 2016

    Hi i have read the benchmarking of HEC-RAS and i found that is very slow in comparison whit another modela for example.

    test 2: HEC (66 sec), Mike (9.6 sec), Tuflow – no GPU (7.5 sec)
    test 4: HEC (87 sec) , Mike (32 sec), Tuflow – no GPU (47 sec)
    test 5: HEC (100 sec), Mike (28 sec), Tuflow – no GPU (26 sec)
    test 6B: HEC (161 sec), Mike (54.9), Tuflow – no GPU (38 sec)

    This run times is valid for HEC RAS 5.0, so my question is: What about current 5.0.3 version – is it faster? Because HEC seems to be very slow in comparison whit another models.

  2. Chris Goodell

    on December 20, 2016

    My understanding is there have been improvements in speed efficiency in 5.0.3 over 5.0. As far as the comparison to Mike and Tuflow, keep in mind RAS preserves the sub-grid bathymetry in its computation scheme. While in some cases this might make RAS slower than other software when comparing with the same mesh resolution, RAS is able to handle larger cell sizes with near similar results. This cuts the runtime down significantly, and in some cases faster than the other software applications. The Benchmarking document discusses this for Tests 4, 5 and 7.

  3. امیر

    on August 2, 2018

    Hi Chris, Do you have any idea if the Hecras has got faster in its most recent release?

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