HEC-RAS 5.0 beta with 2D modeling is out!

Written by Chris Goodell | May 23, 2014

***Note-this post was for the old 5.0 beta version.  Please get the latest version here:  http://hecrasmodel.blogspot.com/2014/10/updated-hec-ras-version-50-beta-now.html

Hey RAS Modelers-The long awaited HEC-RAS Version 5.0 with 2D Modeling is finally out in beta form!  Please read the message below from Gary Brunner that provides instructions for downloading and installing HEC-RAS 5.0 beta.   Please note that there is a required password to install, “ras4you!”  Have fun with it and please provide constructive comments/suggestions to HEC.  As you’ll read below, there will be an aggressive testing period of only 4 months, so give this version a try as soon as possible and let HEC know if you run into any bugs.

I’ve also uploaded the “What’s New” document and the updated “Combined 1D and 2D Modeling” document to my The RAS Solution Google Drive Site:


Chris G.

Dear HEC-RAS 5.0 Beta (with 2D) tester,
     You are receiving the this email, and a link to an updated version of “HEC-RAS 5.0.0 May 2014 Beta (with 2D Flow Areas)”, because you are either a previous Beta tester, or you have expressed interest in the new 2-Dimensional modeling capabilities being added to HEC-RAS.  Here is the link to the latest version:
      This link lets you download a self extracting Archive file called “HEC-RAS_5.0_Beta_2014-05-23.exe” 
      Download the file to a separate directory and run the self extracting zip file.  The self extracting zip file contains:
            1). The installation setup package called: ” HEC-RAS_5.0_Beta_2014-05-23_Setup.exe”
            2). A updated PDF version of the User’s Manual called “Combine 1D and 2D Modeling with HEC-RAS.pdf”
            3). Two 2D Test Data sets in a directory called “RAS_50 Test Data”
      This installation setup package is password protected.  The password to run the setup package is: “ras4you!
      This version of HEC-RAS has many new features.  I have enclosed a Word Document called “Whats New in HEC-RAS 50 Beta.docx”, that describes most of the new features.
Here is a link to the User’s manual:
The main new features are the following:
            1.         2D Only Computations (no 1D elements) and Multiple 2D areas in the same model
            2.         Several New Ways to Link 2D Flow Areas to 1D Elements
            3.         Hydraulic Structures Inside of 2D Flow Areas
            4.         Improved Computational Speed for 2D and 1D
            5.         New HEC-RAS Mapper Features and Output Capabilities
            6.         New Computational Options for 2D and 1D
            7.         Improved Speed and Memory Usage of the 2D Pre-Processor
            8.         Additional 2D Flow Area Initial Conditions Options
     9.   New Sediment bank erosion capabilities (USDA-ARS Bank Stability and Toe Erosion Model (BSTEM))
10.       Unsteady Flow Sediment Transport Modeling (please Contact Stanford Gibson at HEC for updated Sediment documentation)
            IMPORTANT NOTE:  We have changed the file format for how we store Terrain data in HEC-RAS.  To use this version of HEC-RAS, you will need to redo the development of your Terrain model for use in RAS Mapper and 2D modeling.  You will also have to rerun your model to see mapping output.  Please See Section II of the enclosed User’s Manual for building Terrain models in HEC-RAS.  Previously we were using our own file format called the “Tiled Mapping System” (*tms).  We have switched to using the GeoTiff file format (*.tif).  The GeoTiff files are tiled, pyramided, and compressed, just like our own format was.  So it has all the same benefits of the TMS files.  However, GeoTiff is a standard file format, which you can drag and drop into ArcGIS, or other software.  So for compatibility with other industry standard software, we have changed how we make and store terrain data.  We have also switched all of our output grids to the GeoTiff format to make it easier for user’s to get the results into a GIS or other piece of software.
      I have enclosed an updated version of the User’s Manual on how to use the 2D modeling capabilities within HEC-RAS 5.0 Beta (“Combine 1D and 2D Modeling with HEC-RAS.pdf“.  This document has been dramatically expanded.  If you really want to learn how to use the 2D modeling capabilities in HEC-RAS, Please Read This Manual.  I have spent a lot of time working on this document, and I think anyone who currently knows how to use HEC-RAS for 1D unsteady flow modeling will be able to learn how to use the new 2D unsteady flow modeling capabilities with just the software and this document.  Please give me some feedback on this User’s manual if you find mistakes or there is information you feel is missing, or could be explained better.
            There are two example data sets that come with the self extracting zip file: “Muncie.prj” and “BaldEagleDamBrk.prj”.  The Muncie data set is a 1D river with a 2D Flow Area inside of a Levee system.  The levee system is breached and flow goes into the protected area.  The BaldEagleDamBrk data set has seven different Plans in it.  This data set has examples of all the different ways to use 2D areas.  The purpose of this data set is just to demonstrate all the different Ways 2D areas can be linked to 1D elements, as well as modified computational mesh examples, and hydraulic structures inside of a 2D Flow Area.
            Our Plan is to have approximately a four month Beta test period, then release the Final HEC-RAS 5.0 version this fall.  During this time we hope to get feedback from Users on bugs, interface issues, usability, missing features, documentation, etc…  So, we need you to test this version of the software and provide us feedback.  Please send all comments on this version to me through hec.ras@usace.army.mil.
      Thank you for testing HEC-RAS, we look forward to your comments and feedback. 
Gary W. Brunner, P.E., D.WRE, M.ASCE
Senior Technical Hydraulic Engineer
Hydrologic Engineering Center. USACE


  1. Anonymous

    on May 25, 2014

    Hi Chris
    Thanks for your update on Hec5!! Just tried to install it, but the password isn't working. The OK button in the password entering dialogue is greyed out….


  2. Chris G.

    on May 25, 2014

    Hi Greetz- if the password is entered correctly, the OK button will enable. Make sure you type exactly ras4you! As the password with the correct case and the ! Other than that, I'm not sure what the problem could be. Good luck.

  3. Hao Wang

    on May 25, 2014

    Hi Chris,

    Thanks a lot for this great news. I have been waiting for this for a year. I wonder if I can distribute this information to some of my co-workers in China for testing purpose.



  4. Gerinc

    on May 26, 2014

    Works fine for me (the "!" in the pass should not be forgotten), thanks!

  5. Chris G.

    on May 27, 2014

    Yes you can. And please encourage them to send HEC any bugs they may find.

  6. Hao Wang

    on May 27, 2014

    thanks, Chris. I will do that. -Will

  7. Mino Sorribas

    on May 28, 2014

    Hi, I've downloaded the files, how can i get a password? thanks

  8. Mino Sorribas

    on May 28, 2014

    Please, ignore the other message. The password is clearly on the post. Sorry and thanks!

  9. Anonymous

    on June 4, 2014

    Hello Chris.

    Thank you for your Post. It´s very interesting and useful for us.

    I would like to practice the "Bank Erosion". Could we write to Standford Gibson an email?

  10. Anonymous

    on June 4, 2014

    Dear Chris,

    While doing preprocessing im getting error as given below.

    Computing 2D Flow Area '1' tables
    Error computing 2D Flow area tables:
    Index was outside the bounds of the array.
    How to resolve this error?

  11. Chris G.

    on June 4, 2014

    You should send an email to hec.ras@usace.army.mil and make sure to say it is for Stanford Gibson about bank erosion.


    on June 5, 2014

    Hi chris,

    After running Unsteady flow analysis of 2d flow areas, while viewing results in RAS MAPPER, it is giving an error " object refernce not set to an instance of an object". Please help me on this subject.

  13. Chris G.

    on June 5, 2014

    That sounds like a bug. Please submit a bug report to HEC from their website.

  14. Debbie

    on June 11, 2014

    Hi Chris

    I have downloaded v5.0 and been playing around with it. I have found it really easy to use and very quick to compute compared to other 2D software packages I have used. I do have a couple of suggestions for further development for Gary – can you provide his email address for feedback as it is not included in your original post above. Many thanks

  15. Anonymous

    on June 12, 2014

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


    on June 13, 2014

    Hi Chris,
    Thanks much. I have sent bug report to HEC TEAM. However, Im curious to know about results in RAS MAPPER mainly velocities. My model is showing correct depths in MAPPER but unable to view velocities as they are not displaying on map. Kindly shed some light on this.

    Best Regards,

  17. Anonymous

    on June 13, 2014

    Any luck trying to install this version in Linux (Ubuntu/Mint) through WINE?

  18. Chris G.

    on June 16, 2014

    Hi Debbie-

    Please post comments and suggestions to The RAS Solution Forum (see button above) in the comments/suggestion page. I'll be forwarding all of these to HEC periodically.
    Thanks for your testing and feedback!

  19. Chris G.

    on June 16, 2014

    According to the "Combined 1D and 2D Modeling with HEC-RAS" document, you can only map velocities from the 1D results in RASMapper. Mapping face and cell velocities in 2d will come in later versions (hopefully the full release of 5.0). You can access 2d velocity data from the HDF5 file (see page 115 of the above-referenced document.

  20. Chris G.

    on June 16, 2014

    HEC-RAS is not compiled for Linux. It only works in Windows. Sorry.

  21. Dipali

    on July 21, 2014

    HI Chris, I am encountering an error while using RAS mapper. The .tif file is being smoothly imported to RAS. But if click on the screen, an error saying "unhandled exceptional error" being encountered. Please suggest something.

  22. Chris G.

    on July 24, 2014

    If you can reproduce this error, I would send a bug report to HEC, along with your data set.

  23. Anonymous

    on July 25, 2014

    Hello Chris,

    I would like the opportunity to test the beta version of HEC-RAS 5.0. Is it still available to download? The link above to download HEC-RAS 5.0 is no longer active.


  24. Chris G.

    on July 29, 2014

    Hi Mike- Definitely! Please go here for the latest download:

  25. Chris G.

    on July 29, 2014

    Can't really say. It looks like a bug. If you can reproduce it, please send a bug report to HEC.


  26. Anonymous

    on August 11, 2014

    Im excited to get to use the 2D capabilities from RAS and have implemented it on a stream with a flat floodplain. It seems to be generating good results with minimal effort.

    One of the suggestions that I have is on the subject of SA/2D connectors. If you place an inline weir inside your mesh, the elevation has to be at or above the ground elevation. It would be nice if we could export a cross section profile table from the cell faces along a defined line so we can match that data when creating a weir. This might also be helpful in viewing the data in other areas of our 2d mesh. Is this already available and Im just missing it?

    Thanks Chris!

  27. Chris G.

    on August 18, 2014

    Thanks for the great suggestion! I'll pass this along to HEC.

  28. Anonymous

    on August 21, 2014

    I have been working on connecting a 2D area to a 1D river reach via a lateral weir. In the lateral weir editor dialogue I specified connection to the 2D Area and the thick black line associated with the connection shows up as shown in the manual. The issue I am having is that even though the lateral weir shows flow leaving, none of it spills onto the 2D area. Do you know why that would be?

    One thing that I have considered is switching the terrain to GeoTiff as discussed in one of the other comments. The terrain is currently in .FLT format, which is mentioned in the manual and I have used for RASMapper in the past. Is the terrain the source of the problem? Any help would be appreciated.

  29. Chris Goodell

    on August 21, 2014

    Do you have the LS linked up properly to the face points (as demonstrated in Figure 32 in "Combined 1D and 2D Modeling with HEC-RAS")? The default linkage provided by RAS should work. Other than that, I'm not sure what the problem could be. If you find out, please respond back to this and let us all know.

    For now, it's better to bring in your terrain as a .flt. RAS will then convert it to a GeoTiff when you click the Make Terrain button. I've had troubles trying to bring in a GeoTiff

  30. Anonymous

    on August 21, 2014

    We used the default linkage as much as possible so we could avoid skipping face point values. I wasn't sure if there was a hidden check box that I am missing somewhere. As far as the terrain conversion, I will make sure that it is converting to GeoTiff.


  31. Anonymous

    on August 21, 2014

    Just to confirm, the capability to spill flow from a 1D river to a 2D surface via a lateral structure does exist in version 5.0 Beta? I can spill a hydrograph onto the 2D surface from a boundary line, but no luck via a lateral weir yet.


  32. Chris Goodell

    on August 21, 2014

    Yes, you can do it. HEC includes two 2D example data sets with the installation zip file for 5.0 beta: The "Muncie" data set connects two lateral structures to a 2D area. You might check that data set for some clues for setting up your model.

  33. Anonymous

    on September 2, 2014

    Hi Chris

    I've been trying to run example projects (Baldeagle Dam, Muncie) however I am getting the following error message every time.

    Error with program: RASGeomPreprocess64.exe Exit Code = -1073741515

    Have you ever had an error like this before?


  34. Chris Goodell

    on September 2, 2014

    I haven't. What kind of computer are you running it on? 32-bit? or 64? It should work on both, but the error message makes me wonder if that might be the issue. I have only run on 64 bit.

  35. Anonymous

    on September 11, 2014

    Hi Chris,

    Thanks a lot. Im already testing it.
    Im running the first simulations and i didn´t have to define the time-step. Is it automatically selected? Is there any menu to adjust the time step?

  36. Chris Goodell

    on September 11, 2014

    Are you running steady or unsteady flow? In steady flow, there is no timestep. For unsteady flow there is a default time step, which I believe is 1 hour. You can adjust that time step in the Unsteady Flow Analysis window.

  37. Anonymous

    on September 12, 2014

    Im running unsteady. Thanks. I see it now (in Unsteady Flow Analysis window it is written ¨Computation Interval¨, and I was looking for ¨Time Step¨). Great.
    I realized that when I am creating the mesh and I ask for a 10m x 10m grid the computer/software gets stuck and gives an error (Error generating Points). On the other hand, the possibility of using the underlying terrain information (elevation-volume relationships and XS´s on cell faces) during computations is awsome. I see that a channel smaller than the grid size can cross these larger cells, probably because the flood mapping in RAS Mapper is based on the terrain (and elevation volume relationships) and not the mesh. is that so?
    Thanks a lot

  38. Chris Goodell

    on September 12, 2014

    Great! And you are correct. But not just for mapping, the computations are based on the cell face elevation-volume relationship as well. Good luck!

  39. Anonymous

    on December 20, 2014

    Hi RASusers,
    Do anybody have RAS2D tutorial?
    Thanks a lot,

  40. Chris Goodell

    on January 14, 2015

    The best tutorial is the "Combined 1D and 2D Modeling using HEC-RAS" document. You can get it here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0bpiyLiUeRXM1RISnE4aWRFSk0/view?usp=sharing

  41. edgardo ochavillo

    on April 15, 2015

    Hi to all RAS users. I find difficult to connect in POSTGIS server for creating 2d flow area. Please post a solution for this problem. Thanks..

  42. edgardo ochavillo

    on April 15, 2015

    hi, I cannot connect to postgis for creating a 2 d flow area in qgis. Please send me a solution for this. Thanks.

  43. Chris Goodell

    on April 15, 2015

    You do not need POSTGIS to create a 2D flow area. It is created in the RAS Geometry editor.

  44. Yaseen Aziz

    on August 18, 2015

    2D HECRAS 5.0 can be used for 2D water surface profile in side channel spillway? HOW?

  45. Chris Goodell

    on August 27, 2015

    Shallow spillways, yes. Over 10% and you are asking for trouble. How? Follow the manual.

  46. Unknown

    on July 20, 2016

    Hi Chris,

    I'm having a trouble during my 2D model simulation. Hope you can solve this kind of error. It was my first time that I had encountered. And please do email me if ever you can solve this problems.

    Error with program: RasUnsteady64.exe Exit Code = -1073741819


    Jennifer M.

  47. Chris Goodell

    on July 20, 2016

    Unfortunately, those "Exit Code" errors don't help us to diagnose the problem. In the computation messages window, scroll up (or down) and see if there are any other useful messages (e.g. cross section RS or cell ID, time the model crashed, etc.)

  48. Anonymous

    on September 22, 2016


    I'm having the same problem during the unsteady flow simulation. The error is the same:

    Error with program: RasUnsteady64.exe Exit Code = -1073741819

    It's the only message that appears in the computation message window. I have no idea what's happening. Hope you can help me.


  49. Chris Goodell

    on September 22, 2016

    You can also try saving, closing, and reopening HEC-RAS.

  50. Hafsa Khurshid

    on April 29, 2017

    object reference not set to instance of object..how to solve this error

  51. Chris Goodell

    on May 1, 2017

    That is a bug in the software. Make sure you are using the most up-to-date version. If you still get this message. Check all of your input data. Try to remember the steps you took to generate that message and if possible, avoid doing that next time. Since it is a bug, you will have to find a way around it.

  52. sss

    on January 5, 2018

    what do you mean by over 10% please..

  53. Chris Goodell

    on January 5, 2018

    A 10% slope is 1 vertical unit to 10 horizontal units. This also equals 5.7 degrees.

  54. wisnu kusuma wardana

    on May 18, 2018

    please help me
    how to fix this problem
    RasUnsteady64.exe Exit Code = -1073741795

  55. Unknown

    on November 28, 2018

    Hello Chris,

    I am wondering if you ended up finding anything else about this issue?

    I am getting the same error when using the Sediment Output viewer to view results from an quasi-unsteady sediment transport run.

    When I try to plot a time series for Cum. Mass In at any cross-section, I get this error.

    What is strange is that I can plot a longitudinal profile of Cum. Mass In for the whole reach, for every time step (individually however). Just seems to act weird when I try to plot the full time series at once.

    Any thoughts?

    PS – Thanks for maintaining this website, it is very helpful.

  56. Chris Goodell

    on November 28, 2018

    Are you using the latest version? 5.0.6? Other than that I don’t know.

  57. Unknown

    on November 28, 2018

    Sorry, I am using version 5.0.4.
    Thanks anyways, figured I'd ask the wizard ;D.


    on March 30, 2021

    Hello Chris,

    I am using 2D HECRAS (v 5.0.7). After the simulation when the model tried to store the max depth map, an error showed up as below:

    Unhandled Exception: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
    at TiffAssist.TiffWriter`1.SetCustomTag(String TiffFilename, Int32 DirectoryNumber, CustomTags Tag, Object Value)
    at TiffAssist.FloatTiffWriter.Dispose()
    at RasMapperLib.MapProcessingEngine.StoreMap()
    at RasMapperLib.MapProcessingEngine.StoreMap(RASResultsMap map, TerrainLayer terrain, String mapBaseFilename, ProgressReporterBase reporter)
    at RasMapperLib.RASResultsMap.StoreMap(ProgressReporterBase reporter)
    at RasComputeMaps.mComputeMaps.Main()

    Error with program: RasComputeMaps.exe Exit Code = -1073741819

    I tried to save this map multiple times but it didn’t work. Any suggestions from you would be highly appreciated on that regard.

    Thank you

  59. Chris Goodell

    on March 31, 2021

    I don’t know. The messages seem to imply some issue with your Terrain. You might want to check into that. Make sure the terrain and results are properly associated.

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