McBreach Probabilistic Dam Breach Modeling – Free Webinar

Written by Chris Goodell | November 4, 2019

ICEWaRM will be hosting this free webinar where I’ll be discussing the software program McBreach and its application to probabilistic dam breach modeling.  Come join in!  Please note the the webinar start time for your particular time zone.  Starts at 10:30 AM local Sydney Australia time on Wednesday, Nov 6th.  That is 3:30 PM on Tuesday, Nov 5th if you live on the west coast of the USA.  Find your local time.  After the webinar, get your free copy of McBreach and the User’s Manual here.


Manage risk by leveraging the power of HEC-RAS through Monte Carlo simulations
Introducing McBreach! Faced with aging infrastructure, limited resources, dynamic weather events, and the uncertainty of climate change, today’s dam owners must manage risk to protect the lives of the public and our built environment. The free McBreach program, quantifies uncertainty and informs better decision making before an event.

“McBreach takes dam breach modelling and analysis to the next level. By complimenting the traditional deterministic dam breach methods, McBreach’s probabilistic approach provides a more meaningful and more genuine way to communicate the potential effects from a dam or levee breach.” says Chris Goodell, Principal Consultant for Hydraulics & Hydrology, Kleinschmidt.


  1. Daniel

    on October 22, 2020

    Is it possible to alter to volume of the reservoir with McBreach ? Two options I think would be useful is assigning a distribution to the initial reservoir elevation (for 2D Flow Areas or Storage areas) or assigning distribution to the total volume and McBreach scales the elevation-volume curve to suit the new total volume? The first option is definitely useful to account for the uncertainty of the inflow hydrograph, and the second option is great for if the bathymetry data is not available/not great quality, but also for tailings dam breaches where the release volume is much harder to predict (but the initial elevation of the tailings can’t really change). With non-Newtonian flow capability coming out in 5.1 or 6.0, I suspect that tailings dam breaches will be more common in HEC-RAS. Adding these options to McBreach would be great (if they aren’t already in there)!

  2. Chris Goodell

    on October 28, 2020

    I think you’re on the right track Daniel. We will be putting out a McBreach Version 6.0 to go with RAS 6.0. You should have no problem (I think, since I haven’t test driven 6.0 yet with McBreach) with Non-Newtonian Flows. As long as you can run it in RAS, it should work in McBreach.

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