Multiple Opening Analysis
Did you know that if you have a bridge opening and one or more culverts at a single river crossing a Multiple Opening Analysis is required?
For all the HEC-RAS users in the Mississippi area, please consider participating in this service event. A great opportunity to network with others interested in hydraulic models and to help with the restoration of the historic Mississippi River Basin Physical Model.
Please contact Ms. Sarah McEwan at friendsofMRBM@gmail.com or visit https://www.facebook.com/FriendsofMississippiRiverBasinModel
on March 16, 2017hello sir, While running the model I am getting Errors.
Plan: 'Plan 01' (01.p01)
Simulation started at: 16Mar2017 02:18:53 PM
Using 64 Bit Computation Engines
Writing Geometry
Completed Writing Geometry
Geometric Preprocessor HEC-RAS 5.0.3 September 2016
Finished Processing Geometry
Writing Event Conditions
Event Conditions Complete
Performing Unsteady Flow Simulation HEC-RAS 5.0.3 September 2016
Maximum iterations of 20 RS WSEL ERROR
Solution solver went unstable, iteration 7 at 16MAR2017 00:00:10
kabini downstream 98.09068 671.01 0.217
Solution solver went unstable, iteration 9 at 17MAR2017 00:00:20
kabini downstream 11000 682.49 0.355
Solution solver went unstable, iteration 10 at 17MAR2017 00:00:30
kabini downstream 98.09068 670.17 0.061
17MAR2017 00:00:50 kabini downstream 197.4769 668.99 0.036
Solution solver went unstable, iteration 11 at 17MAR2017 00:01:00
kabini downstream 197.4769 669.08 0.044
Solution solver went unstable, iteration 7 at 17MAR2017 00:01:10
kabini downstream 98.09068 670.07 0.116
Solution solver went unstable, iteration 14 at 17MAR2017 00:01:20
kabini downstream 197.4769 670.69 0.736
Solution solver went unstable, iteration 12 at 17MAR2017 00:01:30
kabini downstream 11237.35 690.51 0.242
Solution solver went unstable, iteration 4 at 17MAR2017 00:01:40
kabini downstream 11237.35 692.05 1.544
Solution solver went unstable, iteration 3 at 17MAR2017 00:01:50
kabini downstream 11237.35 690.15 7.340
**** ERROR: Solution Solver Failed ****
Minimum error exceeds allowable tolerance at 17MAR2017 00:01:50
kabini downstream 10900
**** The Model Has One Or More Error(s) ****
Unsteady Flow Simulation Terminated
Writing Results to DSS
No output to write to DSS
Reading Data for Post Process
Simulation went unstable at: 17Mar2017 00:00:00
No data for post processing
please help me.Its very urgent. I must finish this within March 20th. I tried so much but I am not able to come out of that errors.Please sir… Please….
on March 16, 2017If possible give me your email ID. I will just send my HECRAS file.Please check it out what mistake is there in that. really I am going mad every day and night I am doing this but I cannot able to come out of errors. Please sir……
on March 16, 2017Performing Unsteady Flow Simulation HEC-RAS 5.0.3 September 2016
A change (or known value) in WSEL or EG at a node
at river station 11300 in reach downstream
caused a WSEL below the bottom of the cross section.
Check your data at this location for errors.
Subroutine STD_WSCH
A change (or known value) in WSEL or EG at a node
Unsteady flow encountered an error.
Writing Results to DSS
Reading Data for Post Process
Simulation went unstable at: 17Mar2017 00:00:00
No data for post processing
I am getting errorr like this.Please help me sir..
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