Tuesday Tip of the Week–Open Last Project on Startup

Written by Chris Goodell | May 27, 2014

Alright, this won’t wow everyone.  It might even induce a few yawns.  But I’m surprised how few people know this option, or if they do know it, use it.  I’m talking about the HEC-RAS option to open the last project on startup.  This little nugget is found under Options…Program Setup in the main HEC-RAS window.


Check this box and every time you open HEC-RAS, it will automatically open the last project you were working on.  This can save you a lot of mouse clicks, especially if your project is buried deep within your computer’s directory structure.
One of the first things I do once I’ve installed a new version of HEC-RAS (i.e. Version 5.0 beta, which was just released Friday!) is check the “Open last project on startup” box.


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