Learn how to Automate HEC-RAS – The Monte Carlo Method

First off, I hope all of the HEC-RAS users out there are staying safe and healthy during this COVID19 pandemic.   I hope that in the midst of all of this, you would find some positives.  Maybe a re-calibration of your life priorities, re-connection (virtually of course) with friends and family, or even learning a new […]

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Automating HEC-RAS!

Are you an HEC-RAS user?  Yes?  OK, try this out: 1.  If you haven’t already done so, install the HEC-RAS example projects to the default location. 2.  Open up a blank workbook in Excel. 3.  Press Alt-F11.  When the Visual Basic Editor Window opens up, select Tools…References… 4.  Scroll down until you see HEC River […]

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Controlling HEC-RAS

So you want to control HEC-RAS from a external program.  Perhaps, you have a lot of plans to run and want to run in batch mode.  Maybe you wish to run HEC-RAS, evaluate the results, make some changes, and rerun HEC-RAS-all automatically, on its own, while you’re at home with the family.  The good news […]

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